Tuesday 23 March 2010

New blog

Here is a link to a new blog which closes in on unique music from around the globe. The first post is about are about Polish contemporary music.

Tuesday 2 March 2010



Join the Music of poland

I'm going to begin my exploration of poland with music; the thing i have most passion for! But rather than going with the obvious ones (chopin, ect...) right away, I thought i'd start with some contemporary music that is lighting up the world from poland:

First up, Jacaszek is perhaps not only one of Polands finest modern day composers, but also stands out in the world of modern classical (ha!) music as a prominent figure!
Curently he's released two albums; Treny and Pentral.
Pentral is the easier listening of the two yet Treny, though chalengeing, will leave you more touched in the end.
Both are profoundly well produced peices where much of the recording process has gone on in the church halls and on church organs. On his myspace you can find an interview about the production which will move you even if you don't understand what he's saying.
click this link to listen to it.

No doubt music effects mind state, as does everything in life. And Jacaszek prounces upon this fact putting things into moods of unrest, before sudden releases to near silence and atmospherics. His music at times gives a sense of dread which really does bear an understanding the sublime. This set up keeps the heart in beat with its nature and you anticipate something more grand in every nook of what follows, though you know not if it will ever come again.

JoinPoland says Witam!

This is a blog for anyone who has a love of anything polish!

I will try to regularly post my views and reviews on polish life/culture, music, entertainment and products.
Please anyone who has a similar blog on any cultural topics, please connect with me, and i will try and support you. Because your native country is never as interesting as other people's. At least not when that country is Britan!